Cancelling a Cleaning Contract: What You Need to Know

At the end of your cleaning contract, it's important to remain professional and honest about the reasons for leaving. Respect the contract and any reasonable requests to avoid damaging the relationship. Before making the decision to terminate a cleaning contract, take the time to contact other local commercial cleaning services. Most will be happy to offer you a free in-person consultation for your cleaning needs.

This will allow you to compare costs and contracts, as well as determine if a new contractor can address any concerns you had with your previous cleaning service. The cancellation policy section of the cleaning contract should provide guidance for each type of termination. If you're coming to the end of your current cleaning contract, switching cleaning service providers should be easy. The policy should outline how both parties can terminate the agreement, as well as any fees that may apply.

For example, if you don't give forty-eight (4) hours' notice on more than one occasion, you may be charged 50% for the canceled cleaning (first offense) and 100% of the fee for any cleanings canceled later. If you have a last-minute cancellation, a cancellation fee may apply, which is normally equivalent to 50% of the charge for the next visit. If a customer requires a large amount of resources and time before the scheduled cleaning, you can create specific guidelines for this type of work (such as a five-day cancellation policy). Include your name, place of work (if applicable), date, name of the cleaning company, and the reason for the cancellation.

If you cancel less than twenty-four (2) hours before your appointment time, you will be charged 50% (half) of the amount of the agreed rate for the canceled appointment. Poor commercial cleaning services can have a corrosive effect on customer trust, employee morale, and workplace health and safety. It's important to take all necessary steps to ensure that you are getting quality services from your chosen contractor. Taking the time to compare costs and contracts with other local commercial cleaning services can help you make an informed decision about which provider is best suited for your needs.

Kathryn Scott
Kathryn Scott

Hardcore twitter lover. General music aficionado. Hipster-friendly twitter advocate. Avid twitteraholic. Professional coffee enthusiast.